"On Thursday I'll wake up and grab my poutine breakfast, before stopping by Tim's for a double double. I'll talk hockey with the mountie at the ceremony and celebrate by listening to the whole Celine Dion back catalogue. Gotta fit in, you know?"Now, Rob's wondering what he should drink to celebrate the big day? Any suggestions?
Congratulations Rob!
Thanks Troy! I guess if I was sucked in by marketing I'd go for this:
You beat me to the "Canadian"... so how about something in a stubby?
Congratulations on becoming Canadian Rob!
You should share your success story with others who are looking to become Canadians as well on the online Canadian immigration and settlemet community, LoonLounge! (www.loonlougne.com)
You can test your knowledge of Canada with our new interactive game about the Canadian Citizenship Test called Yes! You Can Become a Canadian! (http://www.loonlounge.com/become-canadian-quiz/)
Hope to see you in the Lounge!
Natalie Hunter
Manager of Marketing and Communication, LoonLounge.com