I missed this. As I was putting up the Garrett Oliver interview this morning I noticed my post-reader listed that there has been 511 posts! Whoa. I had no idea. The 500th was posted back on March 20th.
What should I take out of the fridge to celebrate? Well I've narrowed it down to these five: Mill Street Barley Wine 2007 - Green Flash La Freak - 2007 Maudite - 2007 Propeller Russian Revolution Imperial Stout - or, Church Key's Lactese Falcon (last years). Since you have all put up with my ramblings (all 511 of them) I'll let you decide.
"Support your locals"
Green Flash La Freak
Congrats on the 500th!
Seeing how you like to support Canadian breweries, my recommendation is to go for the Mill Street.
I know I couldn't leave an Imperial Stout in the fridge for too long...
Mill Street Barley Wine. The year in storage should have smoothed it out a bit.
Congratulations on your milestone! We hope to continue reading your posts for many years to come. Now, as for the beer...enjoy all four:) At least from an importer's viewpoint the more the better.
Congratulations Troy,
I count on your blog to keep me up to date on things and enjoy it immensely. Heading to the Roy tomorrow, I'll raise a glass to your 500th!