George Eagleson, the spirited head brewer at the F&M Brewery in Guelph, showcased some artwork he assembled from recycled brewing equipment at his annual Georgopoolza festival back in January (auctioned for charity), and has since created an online shopping site for individuals to purchase a variety of those items.
You see Eagleson, along with partner Hanna Senitt (who also sells other homey items under the name bananaknits), are two passionate people when it comes to the environment. Recycling means a lot to them, and working in a brewery Eagleson noticed many things were being tossed out that could still serve a purpose in some capacity. This passion has inspired the pair to turn used materials from around the brewery into wallets (malt bags), pen and desk organizers (brewing hoses), and market bags (spent malt bags), that will be sold under the handle CRAP, short for Craftbrewers Recycled Art Project. "We take stuff that would be CRAP and turn it into stuff that is not CRAP," stated Eagleson.
Their art speaks for itself. It is durable, very reasonably priced, and friendly for the environment. It would be nice to see some these projects in the retail stores of other local Ontario breweries.
But one of the coolest things about this project is that anyone living in Guelph who purchases an item will pay no shipping fee. In fact, the item will be delivered personally via bicycle.

Brewing Hose Desk Organizer: $20.00
Each organizer is numbered and signed by the artist
Malt Bag Wallets: $10.00
"Normally the malt bag get chucked out. However, Not anymore. Re-cycle...re-love...re-use........What oh what is the correct term????" Eagleson
Head over to their site to check out the items or to place an order - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6849330
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