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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CASK! Beer for the Cure Dinner: April 25th

After organizing a successful cask ale crawl through the streets of Toronto a couple weekends back, the CASK! group are gearing up for another cask event this Saturday (April 25th) as they are hosting a "Beer for the Cure" dinner at the Granite Brewery in support of the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada.

The group has put together a four course cask ale and food pairing, featuring newly released beers from Grand River and MacLean's Ales, along with fresh cask from the Granite, which will all be paired with a British inspired menu (see below).

Nicholas Pashley, a Core CASK! Member and author of Notes on a Beermat: Drinking and Why It's Necessary, will be the night's guest speaker, enlightening ticket buyers with his charming good natured wit. There will also be a silent auction and door prizes.

Tickets to the event are being sold for $65 per person and can be obtained by calling Caroline or Robert at .

Sausage Rolls
Along with Granite IPA
served from 6:30 p.m. on in the dining room

Granite Spent Grain Bread with Potted Beer Cheese
Matched with Granite Best Bitter Special

Roast beef with a Granite Peculiar gravy,
Yorkshire pudding and a medley of roast vegetables
Paired with MacLean’s IPA

Sticky Toffee Pudding
Served with Grand River Brewing Imperial Stout

*Partial proceeds from the dinner will be going to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada.

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