It appears that a bar in Windsor was serving Pabst Blue Ribbon (Sleeman) from the Old Vienna (Molson) draught line, using the Old Vienna tap handle, without telling any patrons who were ordering the OV.
According to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, the violation happened Sept. 10, 2008. Pabst Blue Ribbon beer was connected to the Old Vienna beer tap and the bartender didn't tell customers, the AGCO said in a news release.The bar received a five day liquor licence suspension at the hands of the AGCO because the owner has shown remorse, but nowhere in the article does it say that it was a mistake. Was it? Or was it the work of a brewery sales rep? You know what I mean by that.
But the real question I have is: Did customers notice the difference between the two generic beers? And people still drink this stuff?
I checked out Club 783 on Myspace. I don't think anyone's there for the beer.
I thought that much. But I still find it fascinating that this practice still continues between the large breweries. Was serving the beer from the wrong tap handle a mistake? Or was it influence from the sales rep?